Listing of German Shepherd Puppies and Older Dogs For Sale and the Whelping Box, that is litters that are due.

If you require more information, please contact Puppy Listings Registrar Jamie Murray, email the Puppy Listings Registrar. Email is preferred; however, you can also contact Jamie on 0419 109 570

Expected Litters listings are to be only listed once the litter is confirmed, and the dam must be approximately five weeks in whelp, also that the puppies are not allowed to leave the breeder under eight weeks of age, and for our members to list their litters and older dogs for sale the parent of the puppies or older dogs for sale must have:

  • The Sire (father) must be: Breed Surveyed (*) “A” Stamped for Hips and “Z” Stamped for Elbows
  • The Dam (mother) must be: Breed Surveyed (*) A” Stamped for Hips “Z” Stamped for Elbows
  • The Puppies must be: Micro-chipped, Vaccinated, Registered with Dogs NSW

Please notify the Puppy Listings Registrar if there are any changes to your listing


For the information of puppy buyers:

There are occasions when GSDL members advertise their membership to the The German Shepherd Dog League of New South Wales Inc. (GSDL of NSW Inc.), either in advertisements or on websites. Please note the following do not hold current membership of GSDL of NSW Inc.

Eternbur Kennels – despite the proclamation of membership on the Eternbur website, Eternbur Kennels are not members of The German Shepherd Dog League of New South Wales Inc. (GSDL of NSW Inc.).


Current listings of German Shepherd Puppies, Older Dogs and the Whelping Box:

1 stock coat male

Litter born October 28th, 2024

Sire: *Chili Del Valcuvia a HD (Imp Ita)

Dam: *Aimsway Damina AZ

Dogs NSW Membership Number: 2000731810

Contact/Breeder:  Julie Miner & Brett Natoli, Montroze Kennels

Phone:  0402 739 072


1 Male

Whelped: November 21st, 2024

Sire: *Ch Vonpeta He’s Hung Lyka A Z

Dam: *Ch Tataben Maya Graceful Illusion A Z

Dogs NSW Membership number: 2100140229

Contact/Breeder: Jackie Vaughan, Mayumbra Kennels

Phone: 0430 210 438


5 males, 5 females

Whelped: November 11th, 2024

Sire: * Rimerini Moves Like Jagger AZ

Dam: * Brashawin Deianira Princess AZ

Dogs NSW Membership number: 2100044042

Breeder: Shannon Winkler, Brashawin Kennels

Phone: 0428 411 006


2 stock males, 1 long coat male and 1 stock coat female

Whelped: 24/10/2024

Sire: * Sundaneka Almandin A Z

Dam: * Stormnak Prada AZ

Dogs NSW Membership number: 2100090038

Breeder: Nina, Stormnak Kennels

Phone: 0450 052 564


3 stock males, 1 long stock male, 1 stock female

Whelped: 02/12/24

Sire: *Xander vom Grabfeldgau (imp Deu) a ED

Dam: *Sadria Russian Storm AZ

Dogs NSW Membership number: 2100082760

Breeder: Stephen Morrissey, Sadria Kennels

Phone: 0439 168 513
