Various GSDL forms and Contracts can be found below.


Other forms are linked to the form page of GSDCA website.


Membership for the GSDL now has an online option for the application for a new membership, or renewal, breed survey and zap at or you can use the printable form below.


New Membership

To apply for membership, fill in the form below and submit.

Applicants agree to abide by the GSDL of NSW Inc code of ethics as below.


Or apply for membership on line at


Membership Renewal

Complete the renewal form below and submit.

Applicants agree to abide by the GSDL of NSW Inc code of ethics as below.


Or renew on line at

Memberships are due on 30th September each year with a two-month grace period being allowed – if members have not renewed by then they need to re-join.

If you are not a member you cannot be awarded Point Score points nor will you be able to vote at the AGM in November.


Breeders Introductory Membership

Breeders please email Membership Registrar,  for the Breeders Introductory Membership form. The form is also available from Microchip Officers.  Membership Registrar contact details available on the Club Contact Page

Applicants agree to abide by the GSDL of NSW Inc code of ethics as below.


GSDL Documentation

GSDL Code of Ethics

Information Sheet


Whelping Box Form

Expected Litters listings to be only listed once the litter is confirmed and the dam must be approximately 5 weeks in whelp.

Please notify the Puppy Listings Registrar when puppies are born with details of how many puppies are available for sale.



Puppy Listings Form

Please notify the Puppy Listings Registrar when litter is sold or any changes in what puppies are available.

Breeders If you are selling a puppy (or re-homing an adult GSD) to buyers who live outside the Sydney area and where the GSDL do not have any obedience training branches, please refer the new owners to other German Shepherd Clubs for Obedience training. For the German Shepherd Clubs outside the Sydney area, refer them to our link page



Adult Dog Listings Form

If you are  re-homing an adult GSD to buyers who live outside the Sydney area and where the GSDL do not have any obedience training branches, please refer the new owners to other German Shepherd Clubs for Obedience training. For the German Shepherd Clubs outside the Sydney area, refer them to our links page

Please notify the Puppy Listings Registrar when you have rehomed the dog.



Breed Survey Form

Completed Breed Survey Form to be sent a week before survey to Club Survey Registrar, 10 Shelley Road, Wallacia, NSW 2745

Cost of Breed Survey is $38.00 per dog and cheques made payable to German Shepherd Dog League of NSW.  Form available on GSDCA Web Site.

Criteria and requirements to be classified in the GSDCA National Breed Survey Scheme are available here

The updated GSDCA Form BS 1 – Application for Breed Survey can be downloaded :

For NSW members wishing to survey their animals at interstate Breed Surveys please contact the State Breed Survey Coordinator before sending their application to the interstate State Breed Survey Coordinator.

Form available on GSDCA Web Site.

Or alternatively payment and paperwork for Breed Survey Application can now be lodge online at

More information about GSDCA Breed Survey Scheme and National Breed Survey Calendar.


Hip and Elbow Contract

As at July 1st, 2024 the GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme Contract will be available on line from GSDA web site

GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme Application Process.

GSDCA Hip & Elbow Scheme GSDCA has release a centralised online option to purchase x-ray contracts and a portal for upload of x-rays and documentation direct to the Radiologist of your choice. Both of these will be accessed via the GSDCA website.

GSDCA Hip & Elbow Scheme Portal Link

How will it work?

  1. On the GSDCA website owner enters dog info, attaches pedigree and pays for contract with credit card
  2. This contract payment generates an email to the respective state registrar that they have a contract application for checking and approval
  3. The state registrar checks the data, the uploaded pedigree and ‘approves’ the application 4. This generates a pdf of the ‘contract’ that is emailed to the owner. Take this copy to the vet.
  4. Dog and Owner make appointment and visit vet with paperwork. X-rays are taken.
  5. At the vet (or at home) use the upload portal on the GSDCA website to enter details of the dog and contract info, attach the files (x-ray dicoms, contract and pedigree pdf), select the preferred radiologist and submit for scoring
  6. This submission sends an email to the selected radiologist to view the files uploaded, score the x-rays, enter the results and approve result release
  7. This approval generates a pdf of the provisional results (aka the pink copy) as scored. It is emailed automatically to the owner, the scoring radiologist and the HDED registrar for final verification, AZ certificate generation and upload to the GSDCA database 9. Paper contracts and manual payments will still be available via clubs (not preferred) but owners can then use the online x-ray portal to submit to the radiologist for scoring.

Alternatively, you can if you wish still order the form as below.

Please read the attached before applying for the Hip-Elbow-Application and booking your vet appointment.

You will need to fill out the form linked here on this page.

Please noteNo contract number will be issued over the phone. Please apply in time to receive the Hip and Elbow Contract for your appointment.

GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme: Breeders and Owners Please note:

Please ensure that your veterinarian is aware of this requirement, as documented on the GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme Application form under “Advice to Veterinarian” which reads as follows:-
“Computer Radiography Generated Images (Digital X-rays):
For computer radiography generated images (digital x-rays) to be accepted by the GSDCA Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia Control Scheme, the images must be of a high quality and saved as DICOM Images. (i.e. .dcm extension)”

Owners of dogs submitted for HD/ED x-ray assessments (i.e. GSDCA “A” and “Z” stamp schemes) are requested not to contact the Radiologists/Readers directly regarding any queries they have about results they have received. Any queries should in the first instance be directed NSW State HD & Elbow Scheme Administrator.  To find the contact details, please go to our contact page


Zap Character Test 

A maximum of 8 youngsters will be assessed on the day. If you would like to enter your puppy for the assessment and reserve your spot please do the following:

The ZAP Manual is located at the following link

Payment and paperwork for Zap Assessment Application can now be lodge online at

You will need to fill out the form linked on this page.

Link to Video of a Zap test.


GSDL Breeders Directory Listing Form


Please forward the form and photo to the GSDL Secretary, whose email address is on the Club Contact Page.

GSDL Stud Dog Listing Form


Please forward the form and photo to the GSDL Secretary, whose email address is on the Club Contact Page.


GSDC of Australia Inc Breed Health & Welfare

GSD Health Profile Report


To Participate in the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia Breed Improvement Schemes.

To participate in any German Shepherd Dog Council Breed Improvement Scheme that are conducted for and on behalf of the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia, who must be a member of an affiliated member Club of the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia.

If a dog is owned in partnership provided one partner is a member of an affiliated Member Club then the normal fee structure shall apply.

Residents of Australia who are non -members of any affiliated Member Club may apply for participation in a German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia Scheme provided that the equivalent of one years subscription fee plus the joining fee of that member Club, is paid in addition to the normal fee applicable to the desired scheme.

Residents of New Zealand wishing to participate in a German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia Schemes, must be a member/or member of an affiliate of the New Zealand German Shepherd Dog Advisory Council.